Basic Curriculum

The Basic Curriculum is the primary curriculum of Toutâ Galation, and completing it is the prerequisite for a Gaulish Polytheist to move from a Student rank to the rank of Initiate. Initiates in Toutâ Galation gain a series of rights, such as the right to join a private Discord server for Initiates, a right to join the democratic Datlâ assembly, and the right to join or form an Interest Group.

If you are interested in taking this curriculum, be sure to join our Discord server or Facebook group.

Test 1: Basics
Test 2: Research
Test 3: The Gaulish Realms
Test 4: Basic Practice
Test 5: Advanced Practice
Test 6: Roles & History
Test 7: Gaulish Vocabulary
Test 8: The Toutâ
Test 9: Devotional Craft Report

No prior reading needs to be done before requesting a test, the majority of them will require independent research. A student has access to the helpful community on our Discord and forums, as well as our master Resource List.