An Pen Bissietio

 Selgowiros Caranticnos once told me, ‘we are a minority within a minority within a minority’. This is certain. Long ago, there were those who carried a culture that was first born on the foot of a salt mine, and then at the edge of a lake.

The culture contained gods, stories, crafts, song, combat styles, language, and within only a few years of horror, much of that was gone. But here we are today, and within the span of a generation we are slowly collecting those pieces shattered two millennia ago.

The Touta begun only within the past few solar cycles, and we’ve taken that time to organize ourselves, and be ready for an emergence. We will become the roar of Gaulish Polytheism, the voice in Celtic Paganism, a sound of Paganism, and a known religion of the world.

But why drive ourselves forward? Make ourselves known? The world isn’t a Dark Forest, and we believe we have something to offer. A welcoming polytheism community, that’s racist free, with ties to the ancient but also prepared for the future. We will learn about those gods, remake the stories, language, crafts, combat styles, and songs. We are Galatis.

Cunobelinus Betullicnos
Toutâ Daltâ